
Norton lifelock telephone number
Norton lifelock telephone number

norton lifelock telephone number norton lifelock telephone number

The copied email below, which I personally received and many Scamicide readers have told me that they received, appears to come from Norton Life Lock, a company that provides a wide range of digital security services and identity theft protection services. If you call the number, you will be prompted to provide personal information that will be used to make you a victim of identity theft. You are provided a telephone number to call if you dispute the bill.

norton lifelock telephone number

The scammers count on people being concerned that they are being wrongfully charged for a product they did not order. It starts when you receive an email that purports to be from a popular company with which many of us do business that indicates that you owe them a significant payment. The phony invoice scam is a common scam popular with scammers because it is quite effective.

Norton lifelock telephone number